Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Will Tomorrow Come?

Some time ago in the bid to experiment with my latent talents and possibly make some money,I entered for a poetry competition.

Unknown to me, my first poem was a reflection of that which I FELT deep inside of me(the need to affect people) and the first question was will tomorrow come? I really will not tell you(dear reader?) the result of the competition .

You be the judge after enjoying the poem.

'As the sun rises, you realize that another day is born.
Aspirations are alive and perspiration continues.
Dusk approaches and the moon appears in a blanket-like sky.
You realize once again that the day is about to terminate.
What hast thou achieved today?
You grieve that the dreaded grave cometh closer
You want to make the best out of today
...... .. But will tomorrow come?'

Your guess is as good as mine.

CIAO(or is it chao?).

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