Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Sometimes in our lives, we believe that the best days are here when there's a good plan,a series of achievements, a good woman and the world is seemingly at 'your feet' (or is it your fingertips?)

I write (sorry,'type') this because about three hours ago I received perhaps the greatest shocker of my 'recent' adult life.

You may want to attempt a wild guess but I'll advise that you to be a little patient and answer the following questions first.

1 What if the best laid plans come to naught?

2.What if your emotional fortunes took a plunge unexpectedly?

3. What if the people you love the most turn around to stab you without recourse to all you share?

The 'what ifs' form a major part of our daily experiences in this journey called life because assumptions could become reality (and rightly so too!).

Like Lord Baden Powell said and all of us who have ever been in the Boy Scout have heard many times over, BE PREPARED.

Life is full of unexpected twists so BE PREPARED or ......................

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